Score and Assessment Systems


Author: Metnitz P, Moreno RP, Almeida E, et al: SAPS 3- From evaluation of the patient to evaluation of the intensive care unit. Part 1: Objectives, method and cohort description
Address: Phillipp G.H. Metnitz,, dept. Of Anesthesiology and General Intensive Care, University Hospital of Vienna, Austria
Original Work: Null
Coypright: unknown

Trademark: unknown

HL7 v2.x datatype: NM
HL7 V3 datatype: INT

Specialities: Intensive Care / Intensivmedizin


Interpretation must be defined!


Comp. Decription Bezeichnung Code System: Codes/
Score Value
Details /
Score Range
HL7 DT v2 + V3 /
Snomed CT
1 Age
<40 0 - years NM + INT
5 40 - 59 years NM + INT
9 60 - 69 years NM + INT
13 70 - 74 years NM + INT
15 75 - 79 years NM + INT
=80 18 - years NM + INT
2 Chronic deseases
chronische Erkrankungen
Tumor Therapie cancer therapy 3 - NM + INT
maligne hämatologische Erkrankung oder chronische Herzinsuffizienz (NYHA IV) hematologic malignancy or chronic HF (NYHA IV) 6 - NM + INT
AIDS oder Zirrhose AIDS or Cirrhosis 8 - NM + INT
metastasierende Tumorerkrankung metastatic Cancer 11 - NM + INT
3 stay before ICU admission
Aufenthaltsdauer vor Aufnahme auf Intensivstation
<14 0 - days NM + INT
6 14 - 27 days NM + INT
=28 7 - days NM + INT
4 intra-hospital location before ICU admission
Krankenhausstation vor Aufnahme auf Intensivstation
Notaufnahme emergency room 5 - NM + INT
andere Intensivstation other ICU 7 - NM + INT
andere other 8 - NM + INT
5 major therapeutic intervention before ICU admission
hauptsächliche therapeutische Intervention vor Aufnahme auf Intensivstation
vasoaktive Medikamente vasoactive Drugs 3 - NM + INT
6 Heart rate^max
within first 24h/ innerhalb der ersten 24h
maximale Herzfrequenz
<120 0 - bpm NM + INT
5 120 - 159 bpm NM + INT
= 160 7 - bpm NM + INT
7 Intravascular systolic^min
within first 24h/ innerhalb der ersten 24h
minimaler systolischer Blutdruck
<40 11 - mmHg NM + INT
8 40 - 69 mmHg NM + INT
3 70 - 119 mmHg NM + INT
=120 0 - mmHg NM + INT
8 Body temperature^max
within first 24h/ innerhalb der ersten 24h
maximale Köpertemperatur
=35 0 - °C NM + INT
<35 7 - °C NM + INT
9 Oxygenation
PaO2=60 und keine mechanische Beatmung PaO2=60 and no mechanical ventilation 0 - (mmHg) NM + INT
PaO2<60 und keine mechanische Beatmung PaO2<60 and no mechanical ventilation 5 - NM + INT
PaO2/FiO2=100 und mechanische Beatmung PaO2/FiO2=100 and mechanical ventilation 7 - NM + INT
PaO2/FiO2<100 und mechanische Beatmung PaO2/FiO2<100 and mechanical ventilation 11 - NM + INT
10 Leucocytes^max
within first 24h/ innerhalb der ersten 24h
maximale Leukozytenzahl
<15 0 - Giga/L NM + INT
=15 2 - Giga/L NM + INT
11 Creatinine^max
within first 24h/ innerhalb der ersten 24h
maximale Serumkreatininkonzentration
<1,2 0 - mg/dL NM + INT
2 1,2 - 1,9 mg/dL NM + INT
7 2 - 3,4 mg/dL NM + INT
=3,5 8 - mg/dL NM + INT
12 Bilirubin
<2 0 - mg/dl NM + INT
4 2 - 5,9 mg/dl NM + INT
=6 5 - mg/dl NM + INT
13 pH
>7,25 0 - NM + INT
=7,25 3 - NM + INT
14 GCS
=13 0 - NM + INT
2 7 - 12 NM + INT
<=6 7 - NM + INT
5 10 - NM + INT
3-4 15 - NM + INT
15 ICU admission

every patient gets an offsset for being admitted 16 - NM + INT
16 Type of admission
Art der Aufnahme auf Intensivstation
kardiovaskulär: Rhythmusstörungen cardiovascular: Rhythm disturbance -5 - NM + INT
neurologisch: Anfall neurologic: seizures -4 - NM + INT
hypovolämisch hämorrhagischer Schock hypovolemic hemorrhagic shock 3 - NM + INT
hypovolämisch, nicht hämorrhagischer Schock, akutes Abdomen, Stupor, Vigilanzstörungen, Delir, Agitiertheit, Verwirrung hypovolemic non hemorrhagic shock, acute abdomen, coma, stupor, obtuned patient, vigilance disturbances, confusion, agitation, delirium 4 - NM + INT
septic shock, anaphylactic shock, mixed and undefined shock 5 - NM + INT
liver failure 6 - NM + INT
focal neuruologic deficit 7 - NM + INT
severe pancreatitis 9 - NM + INT
intracranial mass effect 10 - NM + INT
all others 0 - NM + INT
17 anatomical site of surgery
Lokalisation der Operation
Transplantationschirurgie transplantation surgery -11 - NM + INT
isoliertes Trauma Trauma- isolated -8 - NM + INT
Kardiochirurgie cardiac surgery -6 - NM + INT
Neurochirurgie neurosurgery 5 - NM + INT
andere all others 0 - NM + INT

Please send corrections and additions to hl7(at)

Links to Further Information

General Note

The primary purpose of the information provided above is to enhance interoperability. The primary focus lies on the assigned codes.
Therefore, no guarantee can be given whether the use of the score or assessment system is allowed or not. It is highly recommended to check with the author directly. We are aware that the presented information may be not enough in order to work with it. The authors have done their best to ensure copyright and other jurisdictional requirements.

Date of Last Change: Nov 06, 2008 (FO)